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Student Council

The Student Council serves as the students’ representative body. It comprises elected representatives from all year groups and is responsible for sharing students’ ideas, interests and concerns.

The purpose of the Student Council is to promote the development of the school and the welfare of its students.


Student Council Roles
  • PL Representative: Takes notes during the monthly PL time topical student debate. To attend the year group meeting to discuss and share notes of what was discussed. Supports the JLT.
  • Year Representative: Takes notes at the year group meeting and represents their year group at Council. Supports the Junior Leaders with their duties. Compass provision and SEND students also represent their respective areas.
  • Junior Leadership Team: Chairs of the Student Council. Promotes the student suggestion box at break and lunchtime clinics in the Refectory. Undertakes visitor tours of the academy and manages student support at open evenings.
  • Student Council Advisor: Mr Baker is present at all student council meetings and has the ability to advise the council and provide any assistance if required.
Monthly PL Time Topical Debates

All students participate in monthly debates during PL time. Feedback from these debates contributes to what is discussed at the Student Council. Recent topics include student welfare and wellbeing, meals, classroom behaviour, homework, social media and equality and diversity.

Student Suggestions Box

The Junior Leadership Team holds a weekly break time surgery in the refectory to promote the use of the student suggestions box. The JLT is responsible for taking student suggestions to the Student Council to be debated.

Student Council

The Student Council debates the topic of the month, followed by comments from the suggestions box and any other business. At the conclusion of the meeting, the meeting minutes are shared with Mr Ali, Head of School and the Senior Leadership for feedback and action.

Student Feedback

We believe that effective student and staff relationships are promoted through consultation, collaboration and good communication. An important part of Student Council is to share what has been agreed and acted upon, with students during PL time through the  ‘You Said, We Did!’ initiative


Student Council Achievements

Notable achievements by the Student Council this year include:

  • The raising of awareness for equality and diversity through a cultural dress day and a monthly focus on international foods. A Raise Charter Student Focus Group was also formed to discuss ways in which equality and diversity can be celebrated.
  • Teachers will set homework topics on work already completed in class. A new homework timetable will be introduced to ensure work is spread equally throughout the week.
  • Students requested the removal of double lessons. As a result of this, the student timetable is being revised for September 2022.
  • A complete revision of the food menu by our catering company.
  • Additional areas are opened up for students for break and lunchtime sports activities.
